• Addison Acres

    Addison Acres has a big smile and a gentle temperament which leads many to believe that she is sweet and innocent. Given that she loves to write raunchy M/M stories, many with a hefty dash of kink or taboo, this is patently untrue. Addision lives in the Wheatbelt of Western Australia, swears like a pirate, and is a profound supporter of the Oxford comma. She is a crazy chicken lady and will spend countless hours just hanging with her flock.

  • Chloe Archer

    Chloe Archer writes M/M sci-fi and paranormal rom coms with laugh out loud humor because she’s all about bringing the funny-sexy back. Oh, yeah! She currently calls Minnesota home, but has lived abroad in places like Montreal, Edinburgh, and Tokyo. She’s hoping to relocate to Scotland permanently one day if the stars align. Chloe is a fur mama to two adorable Yorkies, Jasper and Teddy, and she loves them in a crazy dog mama kind of way. When she isn’t busy writing, she enjoys visiting friends and family, traveling, reading, binge watching movies and TV shows, and practicing her karaoke skills. She does a mean cover of Pat Benatar and Cher, or so she’s been told.



  • Bennu Bright

    Greetings, My Forges! It's been my passion to tell queer stories that entertain. Fantasy and paranormal tales have always felt like home, and larger than life characters are a part of that. Exploring the gritty details of relationships and romance are the foundations of my work. Be it epic fantasy, romance, or romantic fantasy. Born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, I spend my days nose to the keyboard, drawing, or tending to my African violets.

  • Kit Barrie

    Kit Barrie (she/her) was raised by pirates in a traveling carnival where she learned how to fly and to weave fantasy into reality. She identifies as chaotic bisexual, with good intentions and questionable methods. She lives in an utterly unfantastical state in the Midwestern United States with her very supportive spouse (VSS) and at least 4 food goblins who might just be cats gobblin’ food.

  • MN Bennet

    MN Bennet is a high school teacher, writer, and reader. He lives in the Midwest, still adjusting to the cold after being born and raised in the South. He enjoys writing paranormal and fantasy stories with huge worlds (sometimes too big), loveable romances (with so much angst and banter), and Happily Ever Afters (once he’s dragged his characters through some emotional turmoil). When he’s not balancing classes, writing, or reading, he can be found binge watching anime or replaying Dragon Age II for the millionth time.

  • Sera Bishop

    I'm a long-time reader who loves all things dark and MM. I have a huge soft spot for big, over-protective alphas—arrogant, deadly, kinda thick when it comes to feelings…but they’d do anything for their true mate. And they can’t help being drawn to the omega type who’s never fit in. My readers are always guaranteed high heat, forever love, and intense, immersive worlds.



  • Cyan Crowe

    Cyan Crowe enjoys long walks in the woods and making readers immersed in fantastical worlds that are a little bit dark and brutal.

  • K.C. Carmine

    K.C. Carmine loves writing about people falling in love with a focus on characters and their (very spicy) journey to HEA. As a member of the queer community, it is important to her that her writing reflects the diversity of voices around her. While she is a lover of romance, she also enjoys horror, paranormal and mystery stories. When she’s not writing, she likes travelling, playing the guitar, video games, and reading.



  • D. Dove

    D. Dove is a writer of MM dark romance on a 6 Dove Scale



  • M.L. Eaden

    M.L.(Mel) Eaden works by day in the tech industry, but at night, she reads books, writes stories, and is an avid board gamer. Originally from the sunflower state, she migrated to one with a lone star for work and sunshine. She has published four books, one novella, and a collection of short stories all from the same queer-centric universe. She also has two contemporary short stories published in an anthology.

  • Zile Elliven

    Zile is a proud member of the alphabet mafia and loves to write neurodiverse main characters and explore their challenges in a lighthearted way. Zile tends to lean into tropes involving grumpy/sunshine pairings and jealous and possessive main characters. When not writing, you can find Zile binging C-dramas, baking, and playing with all of his cats.



  • A.A. Fairview

    Arin was born and raised along the American east coast and has called the city, the shore, and the country their home. They've come a long way from writing anime fanfiction in their bedroom and even have a BA in creative writing. When they're not writing Arin enjoys playing tabletop games, drinking coffee, and collecting bits and bobbles. They currently live in Stephen King's backyard with their partner, cat, and lizard.



    • K.L. Hiers

      K.L. “Kat” Hiers is an embalmer, restorative artist, and queer writer. Licensed in both funeral directing and funeral service, they worked in the death industry for nearly a decade. Their first love was always telling stories, and they have been writing for over twenty years, penning their very first book at just eight years old. Publishers generally do not accept manuscripts in Hello Kitty notebooks, however, but they never gave up. Following the success of their first novel, Cold Hard Cash, they now enjoy writing professionally, focusing on spinning tales of sultry passion, exotic worlds, and emotional journeys. They love attending horror movie conventions and indulging in cosplay of their favorite characters. They live in Zebulon, NC, with their family, including their children, some of whom have paws and a few that only pretend to because they think it’s cute.

    • Lionel Hart

      Lionel Hart (he/him) is an author of MM fantasy romance. Currently, he resides in San Diego with his husband and dog, where they're frequently playing D&D or being beach bums.

    • Odessa Hywell

      Odessa Hywell is a taboo MM romance author with a book addiction and coffee problem, who lives in the Southern United States with her husband, their teenage son, who mocks her for being short, and way too many animals. In 2021, she decided because she is married to a twin it was best NOT to publish her books featuring twincest and other questionable themes under her married name as her husband would not approve. —His loss, honestly.— If you know who Odessa Hywell is, don’t be a snitch. Like Benjamin Franklin said, “Three may keep a secret if two of them are dead.”



    • MA Innes

      A USA Today Best-Selling Author of MM Romances, M.A. Innes is the part of my imagination that leads to kinky and curious things like age play and puppy play. I write bdsm and kink because the people in my head have always been more interesting than average and they’re very curious creatures. My books are full of love, passion, and compelling characters. With over 100 published titles under my belt, I’ve realized that there will always be new people in my head and that I should’ve started out writing making more notes about timelines and what characters looked like. When I’m not writing I like to travel and read.



    • Elm Jed

      Elm Jed is a genderfluid, Bi Marine Corps veteran, who’s been writing since they were ten years old with a degree in Theatre. They live with their husband, who is their biggest supporter from making sure they’re caffeinated to listening to them ramble for hours about chaotic ideas. They spend most of their time jotting down ideas, reading novellas that make them laugh, or attending Renaissance Festivals with their greatest friends.



      • Rhys Lawless

        Rhys Everly-Lawless is a hopeless romantic who loves happily-ever-afters. Which would explain why he loves writing them. When he’s not passionately typing out his next book, you can find him cuddling his dog, feeding his husband, or taking long walks letting those plot bunnies breed ferociously in his head. He writes contemporary gay romances as Rhys Everly and LGBTQ+ urban fantasy and paranormal romances as Rhys Lawless. You can find him and all his latest projects on rhyswritesromance.com



      • Amanda Meuwissen

        Amanda Meuwissen is a queer author with a primary focus on M/M fiction and romance. With over two dozen titles through various publishers, she covers every subgenre, from fantasy to paranormal, horror to contemporary, and has a growing backlist of monster romance. Amanda lives in Minnesota with her husband, John, and their cat, Helga.

      • J.F. Miev

        J.F. Miev loves to write romance with intriguing plot, mystery and high stakes where characters work together to get their HEA-s. She keeps the angst on the low- to medium end (unless she is tackling an enemies-to-lovers) and the spice high, but not overwhelming. When she’s not writing, she likes to enjoy the sun and play with her two mini-schnauzers, or if the weather isn’t cooperating, you’ll find her munching on chocolate or ice cream while reading.

      • Julie Mannino

        Julie Mannino lives in New England and primarily writes MM Fantasy.

      • Penny Moss

        Imperfect characters with a truckload of flaws are my absolute favourite. Their agency is theirs, they do what they want. I'm just over here documenting their stupidity. I reside in soggy UK, lament their terrible food daily, and am old enough to have used a rotary phone as a kid. I grew up with religious and strict parents, so naturally, I'm a bisexual wreck who has forever had a love for monsters, but only recently discovered a love for writing.

      • Shannon Mae

        Shannon Mae began her journey in the M/M romance world as an avid reader, then a beta reader, and eventually an editor who works with the unparalleled Tammy B. PA from Aspen Tree E.A.S. When a dear friend suggested she should write her own book, she decided to do just that. She gravitates to writing paranormal romance, since that genre is her first love, and her books tend to be low-angst and filled with happily-ever-afters. Shannon is an unfailing optimist with a side of snark and sarcasm. When she isn't editing, writing, or working her day job, which she loves, you'll find her on some outdoor adventure or embarking on a hands-on project (that is probably slightly more complex than she thought it was). She lives in a small, seaside town on the east coast, and she spends her free time with her eye-rolling, sassy teenage daughter and her adorably loving dog. Life is a place full of mysteries and wonders, and she hopes to capture that joy and fun in her writing, Adding some fun, sexy times makes it all complete. Happy reading!



      • Heather Nix

        Heather Nix writes magical lesbians. Born and raised in sunny San Diego, CA she longs to return to the forests of the Pacific Northwest. She is the mother of two human and three cat children, and enjoys tattoos, tabletop RPGs, and creating feminist art in her limited spare time. Heather is passionate about writing queer fantasy, and strives to create nuanced characters who resonate with underserved communities.

      • TJ Nichols

        TJ Nichols is the author of the Studies in Demonology, Mytho and Familiar Mates series. They write gay fantasy and paranormal romance, but sometimes gay action/horror as Toby J. Nichols. With the Studies in Demonology and Mytho series translated into French, and Familiar Mates translations in the works in French, Italian, and German. TJ’s stories about love and acceptance have found an avid readership. After traveling all over the world, TJ now lives in Perth, Western Australia.



        • Amy Padilla

          Amy is an introverted squish who loves Happily Ever Afters, Magic, and True Love. While she doesn't stick with one specific subgenre, her favorite tends to be fluffy paranormal romance. In between writing books (like several. At one time. Because squirrel.) Amy likes to read and play relaxing video games. Her kindle is stuffed with romance and she hoards trophy books on her shelves. You can find her most nights pretending to be fancy with a glass of sparkling cider and a good book. Send her a message. She might be an introvert, but she won't resist being adopted by an extrovert.

        • Elle Porter

          Elle Porter is a twangy transmasc writer of erotic romance that’s always queer, often speculative, and occasionally dark. Their favorite genres include urban fantasy, post-apocalyptic, and any story where there be monsters.

        • Miranda Page

          Miranda Page is an Author who writers her own little worlds. She has been creating fantasy since she was a child. She fell in love with monster romance as an adult and never looked back. Miranda enjoys reading and writing (when she has time), playing board games with her four boys, and adores Christmas. (Gingerbread men take over her home.)



          • CJ Ravenna

            CJ Ravenna's stories usually feature protective and possessive fated mates, an explosion or two, swoony and steamy romance, and hard-won happy endings!

          • Delaney Rain

            Delaney Rain is an author of M/M paranormal romances featuring supernatural creatures and the men who love them.

            Come for the GRR * Stay for the AWW

          • Mere Rain

            Mere Rain is an international nonentity of mystery. Mere likes travel, food, art, mythology, and you.



          • Becca Seymour

            Becca Seymour is the #1 gay romance best seller of the True-Blue series. Known for “steamy and endearing” and “emotionally profound love stories” (InD'tale Magazine) her books have been nominated for multiple RONE Awards. Becca lives and breathes all things book related. Usually with at least three books being read and two WiPs being written at the same time, Becca’s life is merrily hectic. She tends to do nothing by halves so happily seeks the craziness and busyness life offers. Living on her small property in Queensland with her human family as well as her animal family of cows, sheep, chooks, and dogs, Becca appreciates the beauty of the world around her and is a believer that love truly is love.

          • Sadie Stone

            Sadie Stone likes writing about demons, aliens, and monsters and the humans they love. Her short stories are always spicy and always have Happily Ever Afters.

          • Sienna Sway

            Sienna Sway is a Canadian with her head up in the clouds. Books and writing M/M are her lifelong passions. She has always adored scifi and fantasy and is currently living her dream by writing these books.



                • R. Phoenix & Adara Wolf

                  ADARA Adara writes almost exclusive m/m, but she has a fondness for bisexual protagonists. She enjoys a lot of darker themes, so you'll see a lot of that in her works. When Adara isn't writing, she's reading, painting, playing video games, and rescuing cats. She also enjoys learning about languages and other cultures. If you're ever curious about the kink content of her works, there are content notes for each story on the website. You can also find out more about her works and read some freebies there. RAISSA R. Phoenix (code name: Raissa) has an unhealthy fascination with contrasts: light and dark, humor and pain, heroes and villains, order and chaos. She believes love can corrupt, power can redeem and that the best of intentions can cast shadows while the worst can create light. She agrees with those who say that the truth is best told through fiction — even though fiction has to make sense while reality can be utterly baffling. She loves chatting with readers, though she often awkwardly rambles. No matter how much she tries to keep her bad and often perverted sense of humor in check, it seems to escape at the most inconvenient moments. (Thanks, universe.)

                • Toby Wise

                  Toby Wise is a stay at home parent who hails from a tiny town in Wisconsin. Contrary to popular Wisconsin stereotypes, he’s not a cheese-head who loves football but rather an introvert who spends all his time on the internet, drinking coffee, spending time with his kid, and cooing about his adorable cat, Pikachu. In April of 2019, A Collection of Strays was born after the world of fanfiction drew him back into his love of writing. Now he’s writing all things omegaverse as long as it includes silly moments and found family.